5th January 2009

An office based day today sorting out this years advertising etc and its all so exciting. I am just getting so many ideas and as I am putting together our ads, more plans and designs are coming together. I just cant wait to get that next wedding album together as we have some really fantastic layout ideas that are going to make each album look even more special. I love the fact that wedding albums are a lifelong book, you keep it forever, look at it often and then show your children and grandchildren. The first time I remember seeing my own mothers wedding pictures I fell in love with her 1950's dress, I asked to see it and nearly cried when she told me she chopped it up to make a fancy dress costume for me! Imagine if there were no photographs of it I never would have seen it.

We have also been working on some fantastic gifts to sell on-line, and I have been, in usual KISS style, been giving them away!! no really, we seem to know so many little-ones that have either just been born or have special birthdays coming up and we are giving them as gifts from us to our nearest and dearest. But as always its all very time consuming on the computer and graphically complicated that I know soon we need to get them on the website and actually sell some!

Had a lovely chat with a florist friend last night and we are going to shoot some beautiful still lives of her work for her portfolio, which I am sure we will be able to use to.

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