29th January 2009


Translates as The Sweet Life.

Today our studio was sweet. We had Amanda's wedding cakes here at Kiss. They were very funky and we got some fantastic shots. But what got me was the amazing sweet smell, it hung in the air. I wondered if you even smell it anymore when you work with them all day every day? I know a lot of florists claim they hardly smell the flowers anymore ( what a pity)
Anyway its rare to be in room with more than one wedding cake, and the sweet sweet smell of all that lovely icing was just wonderful. I was in heaven, and now all i want to do is bake a big cake and eat it....ALL OF IT!!!

The on-line gift section on the Kiss Photography website is now up and running and we have had our first order for a family tree. The photo snap shots have all come over, its for a little girls birthday gifts and it consists of Granny and Granddads, mum and dad, Aunts and Uncles and cousins. So cute!

The message in the sand I think will make a great Valentines gift for all those romantics out there, but I think also a great wedding gift with the wedding date on, what a cool reminder, esp. so there's no mistake of the anniversary date guys!!!
I have just sent one as a new baby gift, with his date of birth and his name, I shot it on the day he was born as well, so its as personal and unique as it can be, lovely.

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