4th February 2009

We can't believe it actually snowed in St.Ives, big fat flakes, that settled.
To be honest we were all set for a kind-of day off, apart from a bit of admin, bit of this, bit of that, few print orders to go out, nothing major, AND THEN IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like panic stations, we had to get photos and fast, the sun was still shining through the flakes, it could melt in a moment. We threw wellies hats and gloves on and practically ran to Porthminster beach. I really wanted to be a big kid and just make snow angles on the sand and throw it all in the air, but not many people had made it down yet and the beach looked like it had a stunning, crisp white blanket thrown over it, and I didn't want to ruin any shots.
We got some good work, i had never walked on a snowy beach before and there was something quite mesmorising watching the waves lap onto snow, it held a kind on un-real magic-ness about it. It also felt very strange under foot, the snow rubbing onto the sand, it reminded me of those fun-houses at the fair we used to go into with the floor that moved in different directions.
All too soon the masses arrived, a frenzy of excited children and wild crazy snow fueled dogs, the cameras got put away and we kicked the snowy sand, churned it up with our feet and enjoyed an hour or so of child like fun, then we went for very grown up hot chocolates in the sun shine.

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