Friday 6th March 2009
The Camera Never Lies......
This phrase popped into my head today, Ricky was taking pictures of our little girl on a swing, her hair was flowing in the breeze and her face was a picture of pure delight, I knew the photos were going to be amazing of her, capturing delight is one of the best things you can capture. Then he turned the camera on me, I was on the swing next to her. I had hardly any make up on, my hair was windswept and i had just realised that actually swings made me feel slightly sick, not such a nice thing to capture.....the camera never lies....or does it?
Ricky is a fantastic Photoshop expert, he can do almost anything to a picture. When we are working with families and weddings, you really don't want to do anything to the people you are shooting as it then wouldn't be them anymore, but this is what he has been asked to do only in the last couple of months: Double chins reduced (this lovely lady didn't even have a double chin! Dinner lady arms taken away (her words not ours), wrinkles smoothed away, spots taken off, he did it all and made it all look natural (what an amazing man to have around the place!, I just wish he could do it in real life we would be millionaires!!!)
Then I started going back over our years of working in this industry, many, many years ago, I , just out of fashion college, went to work at one of the major catalogues, I wanted to see production of a massive catalogue from beginning to end. The research, the photo shoots, the buying side of the clothes and the final graphics putting the whole thing together. They used a well know 'star' as a model for a certain range of clothes, the contract stated that she would only appear if her legs were reduced to half there size! And there she was in hot pants and mini skirts, you never saw her in those in real life.
This was well before the days of Photoshop on a big scale, and there it was going on, all top secret, one man in charge of reducing thighs, he told me not to tell anyone at the time, and you know what? I was so shocked i didn't....and notice i still haven't mentioned any names!
Then years later i knew a food photographer very well, who shot hundreds of advertising campaigns, she told me how the best way to shoot ice cream was to substitute it for lard! yuk, but lard doesn't melt under the hot studio lights and you can scoop it like ice cream. Next time you look at a picture on an ice cream box, it could be nothing but lard!
I could go on and on with these stories, and you know what all these years of working in the industry, it still foxed me sometimes. I brought a bikini, it was very overpriced, but looked so nice in the picture, I sent for it, it was horrible, not well made and not a good shape, I sat at work that day saying how lovely it looked in the brochure, to hear lots of sniggering, " how long have you been working in this industry? and you still believe all what you see', I felt quite silly.
I spent years of my life in London at model castings, choosing girls who would be the next big thing. These gangly teenagers would arrive, often with bad skin and lank hair. I would open there portfolio and the pages would be filled with these photos of a beautiful smiling girl, with perfect skin and bouncing vibrant hair..the camera never lies?
But there are times when the camera never lies, and its a positive thing, the joy on a brides face as she walk back down the aisle, now a married woman, the proud look on her parents faces at the church. The joy of the little bridesmaids when there dresses are put on the morning of the wedding and they feel like little princesses, twirling and dancing.
The look of love that a groom has for his bride when she makes her appearance. The content look of a newborn baby, oblivious of having his picture taken, all he knows is hes warm, happy and loved. The sheer joy of children when you blow bubbles or produce a balloon for them to play with on a photo shoot. These are the moments the camera never lies and these are moments no one would want to change for the world.
25th February 2009
Had a lovely family in for a photoshoot yesterday in our studio. The little girl was so dainty, she reminded me of a little flower. She was very shy at first but soon got into the swing of things, she then twirled and danced and screamed with delight and we got some wonderful photos. When the shoot was over we couldnt get her out of the studio, we were amazed at how appealing our studio had become. I always am happy when the children dont want to leave our studio because it means they have had a great time with us.
We have a crazy few weeks coming up due to a special offer we have on family photography in the Cornishman newspaper, but we are really looking forward to it, its lovely to fill the studio with laughing children. The best bit though is when the parents see the shoot, the smiles, even tears of joy, so worth it....
I always marvel how happy and positive children are, and the sound of a childs laughter has to be one of the best sounds in the world, if only you could photograph sound.
Ricky is really busy editing at the moment and laying out a digital photobook, the end result is always so worth the hours and hours he puts into it. I think this one is so special that we may order re-prints to show future brides and grooms and take along to wedding fairs when we are exhibiting our work.
Had a lovely family in for a photoshoot yesterday in our studio. The little girl was so dainty, she reminded me of a little flower. She was very shy at first but soon got into the swing of things, she then twirled and danced and screamed with delight and we got some wonderful photos. When the shoot was over we couldnt get her out of the studio, we were amazed at how appealing our studio had become. I always am happy when the children dont want to leave our studio because it means they have had a great time with us.
We have a crazy few weeks coming up due to a special offer we have on family photography in the Cornishman newspaper, but we are really looking forward to it, its lovely to fill the studio with laughing children. The best bit though is when the parents see the shoot, the smiles, even tears of joy, so worth it....
I always marvel how happy and positive children are, and the sound of a childs laughter has to be one of the best sounds in the world, if only you could photograph sound.
Ricky is really busy editing at the moment and laying out a digital photobook, the end result is always so worth the hours and hours he puts into it. I think this one is so special that we may order re-prints to show future brides and grooms and take along to wedding fairs when we are exhibiting our work.
18th February 2009
Is anyone else getting the vibe that spring is on its way?
Spring time bring's new life: flowers, farm animals, birds and BEAUTIFUL BABIES!!!!!
So check out our on-line gift page, we have just launched personal birth announcement cards.
You bring your new born baby for a studio session and give us the necessary details name,weight etc. and we design you fantastic cards. Ricky has designed them all, so there really is nothing else like it anywhere. I especially like it as its almost like sending a gift to your nearest and dearest, beautiful pictures of your baby, they are just so gorgeous they should be framed!
Wedding bookings are coming in thick and fast now, again I think its because spring is in the air, everybody seems to have got the wedding fever, and we also have a booking for a summer christening, twin girls arriving from America to make their debut in England, meet the friends and family here and get christened at the same time, how wonderful. Definitely deserves a professional photographer on board, and we feel honoured to be asked.
Is anyone else getting the vibe that spring is on its way?
Spring time bring's new life: flowers, farm animals, birds and BEAUTIFUL BABIES!!!!!
So check out our on-line gift page, we have just launched personal birth announcement cards.
You bring your new born baby for a studio session and give us the necessary details name,weight etc. and we design you fantastic cards. Ricky has designed them all, so there really is nothing else like it anywhere. I especially like it as its almost like sending a gift to your nearest and dearest, beautiful pictures of your baby, they are just so gorgeous they should be framed!
Wedding bookings are coming in thick and fast now, again I think its because spring is in the air, everybody seems to have got the wedding fever, and we also have a booking for a summer christening, twin girls arriving from America to make their debut in England, meet the friends and family here and get christened at the same time, how wonderful. Definitely deserves a professional photographer on board, and we feel honoured to be asked.
4th February 2009
We can't believe it actually snowed in St.Ives, big fat flakes, that settled.
To be honest we were all set for a kind-of day off, apart from a bit of admin, bit of this, bit of that, few print orders to go out, nothing major, AND THEN IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like panic stations, we had to get photos and fast, the sun was still shining through the flakes, it could melt in a moment. We threw wellies hats and gloves on and practically ran to Porthminster beach. I really wanted to be a big kid and just make snow angles on the sand and throw it all in the air, but not many people had made it down yet and the beach looked like it had a stunning, crisp white blanket thrown over it, and I didn't want to ruin any shots.
We got some good work, i had never walked on a snowy beach before and there was something quite mesmorising watching the waves lap onto snow, it held a kind on un-real magic-ness about it. It also felt very strange under foot, the snow rubbing onto the sand, it reminded me of those fun-houses at the fair we used to go into with the floor that moved in different directions.
All too soon the masses arrived, a frenzy of excited children and wild crazy snow fueled dogs, the cameras got put away and we kicked the snowy sand, churned it up with our feet and enjoyed an hour or so of child like fun, then we went for very grown up hot chocolates in the sun shine.
We can't believe it actually snowed in St.Ives, big fat flakes, that settled.
To be honest we were all set for a kind-of day off, apart from a bit of admin, bit of this, bit of that, few print orders to go out, nothing major, AND THEN IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like panic stations, we had to get photos and fast, the sun was still shining through the flakes, it could melt in a moment. We threw wellies hats and gloves on and practically ran to Porthminster beach. I really wanted to be a big kid and just make snow angles on the sand and throw it all in the air, but not many people had made it down yet and the beach looked like it had a stunning, crisp white blanket thrown over it, and I didn't want to ruin any shots.
We got some good work, i had never walked on a snowy beach before and there was something quite mesmorising watching the waves lap onto snow, it held a kind on un-real magic-ness about it. It also felt very strange under foot, the snow rubbing onto the sand, it reminded me of those fun-houses at the fair we used to go into with the floor that moved in different directions.
All too soon the masses arrived, a frenzy of excited children and wild crazy snow fueled dogs, the cameras got put away and we kicked the snowy sand, churned it up with our feet and enjoyed an hour or so of child like fun, then we went for very grown up hot chocolates in the sun shine.
29th January 2009
Translates as The Sweet Life.
Today our studio was sweet. We had Amanda's wedding cakes here at Kiss. They were very funky and we got some fantastic shots. But what got me was the amazing sweet smell, it hung in the air. I wondered if you even smell it anymore when you work with them all day every day? I know a lot of florists claim they hardly smell the flowers anymore ( what a pity)
Anyway its rare to be in room with more than one wedding cake, and the sweet sweet smell of all that lovely icing was just wonderful. I was in heaven, and now all i want to do is bake a big cake and eat it....ALL OF IT!!!
The on-line gift section on the Kiss Photography website is now up and running and we have had our first order for a family tree. The photo snap shots have all come over, its for a little girls birthday gifts and it consists of Granny and Granddads, mum and dad, Aunts and Uncles and cousins. So cute!
The message in the sand I think will make a great Valentines gift for all those romantics out there, but I think also a great wedding gift with the wedding date on, what a cool reminder, esp. so there's no mistake of the anniversary date guys!!!
I have just sent one as a new baby gift, with his date of birth and his name, I shot it on the day he was born as well, so its as personal and unique as it can be, lovely.
Translates as The Sweet Life.
Today our studio was sweet. We had Amanda's wedding cakes here at Kiss. They were very funky and we got some fantastic shots. But what got me was the amazing sweet smell, it hung in the air. I wondered if you even smell it anymore when you work with them all day every day? I know a lot of florists claim they hardly smell the flowers anymore ( what a pity)
Anyway its rare to be in room with more than one wedding cake, and the sweet sweet smell of all that lovely icing was just wonderful. I was in heaven, and now all i want to do is bake a big cake and eat it....ALL OF IT!!!
The on-line gift section on the Kiss Photography website is now up and running and we have had our first order for a family tree. The photo snap shots have all come over, its for a little girls birthday gifts and it consists of Granny and Granddads, mum and dad, Aunts and Uncles and cousins. So cute!
The message in the sand I think will make a great Valentines gift for all those romantics out there, but I think also a great wedding gift with the wedding date on, what a cool reminder, esp. so there's no mistake of the anniversary date guys!!!
I have just sent one as a new baby gift, with his date of birth and his name, I shot it on the day he was born as well, so its as personal and unique as it can be, lovely.
25th January 2009
Watch this web site, final touches and we should have our on-line gifts up and running soon.
Ricky is out shooting today, while I am office based. Its really sunny and what a relief as hes on a location shoot, on a beach. The sky and sea from my window look so tempting, but judging by the amount of layers Rick was wearing when he went out, i think he knows looks can be decieving!
Watch this web site, final touches and we should have our on-line gifts up and running soon.
Ricky is out shooting today, while I am office based. Its really sunny and what a relief as hes on a location shoot, on a beach. The sky and sea from my window look so tempting, but judging by the amount of layers Rick was wearing when he went out, i think he knows looks can be decieving!
21st January 2009
So I have a new computer, well new for me, its actually Ricky's old one, but being Mr. Graphic Designer man, he has to have the latest and greatest with the biggest screen, and rightly so.
So my "new" computer is great but all my photographs were on another machine and I missed them. So we set about transporting them over. It was only then I realised I have over 15,000 pictures. Now not a lot for a photographer, but these are nothing to do with our jobs. These are our friends and loved ones only. These are my 'snaps', these are our memories, these are our life, well our life since going digital, these don't include the stacks (and stacks) of albums we have when we only shot in film. So I sat watching them all being transported, I saw our last 7 years unfold. It was then I realised that we actually NEVER go anywhere without our cameras. Every meal out with mates, every dinner party, every New Year, every house move... and there have been far too many of those, every tipsy night out, every birthday, every everything!!
I love those photos, I love seeing our friends being them. I am sure without those pictures I would have forgotten Kelly's smiling face when she came round to show off her engagement ring, her top was the same colour bright green as her eyes and she looked beautiful and brimming with love and excitement. Going back further is the picture of her trying on my engagement ring, "just to see if it suits me" she was excited then, but not quite so. There are friends weddings, and then some second wedding's!! There are our camper van days, when we felt free as birds, finding spots in Cornwall that we were sure no one else had never found (bet we have all had those feelings) Photos of girlfriends on nights out drinking water and the rest of us on wine, oh yes they must have been in the first few weeks of pregnancy and hadn't told us yet, then a few months on the silly pics of us touching the bump and laughing.
There's darling Nads, we have been though so many happy times and unexpected times, and its all there, my hair gets longer as the photos go on, and her hair gets shorter as the years go on. There's our beloved Thailand were I just cant stop snapping, the white sands the clear water, the best one was our honeymoon when so many of our wonderful mates flew out and we all met up, its all there, the lazy sun filled days and the cheesy disco nights out. I love the Thai people, and I have so many shots of some Island Thais with the most amazing bone structure, proud, beautiful faces and sharp deep brown eyes.
Then there's Embobbo, she appears everywhere in our pics, her smile the widest I have ever seen, whatever we are up to shes enjoying herself, then the more gentle smile as shes holding my new born baby, my first friend from 'up-country' to visit.
Our trip to India I shot a lot of cows, they just seemed to be everywhere and they have the most amazing eyelashes, most models would kill for them!
Easter Island, haunting photos of stone men, not a person in sight most of the time, the wild island horses, they were very wild, but still came close,bit scary sometimes as they totally out numbered us and we couldn't work out if they minded us being there, but still we got some beautiful work.
I couldn't survive with out my photo memories, I love them all, I know too many moments would have been forgotten without them, and I am glad I am always the one lugging the camera about, missing out on the toast of the evening as i am photographing it, I am never,ever in group shots, because I take the group shot, but I am always the one who says "do you remember when we ????" because I spend hours of my time going back over my pictures.
So I thank my trustworthy camera that goes everywhere with us and I thank our friends for providing the photo opportunities, you are our memories, you make us who we are because you are our experiences.
So I have a new computer, well new for me, its actually Ricky's old one, but being Mr. Graphic Designer man, he has to have the latest and greatest with the biggest screen, and rightly so.
So my "new" computer is great but all my photographs were on another machine and I missed them. So we set about transporting them over. It was only then I realised I have over 15,000 pictures. Now not a lot for a photographer, but these are nothing to do with our jobs. These are our friends and loved ones only. These are my 'snaps', these are our memories, these are our life, well our life since going digital, these don't include the stacks (and stacks) of albums we have when we only shot in film. So I sat watching them all being transported, I saw our last 7 years unfold. It was then I realised that we actually NEVER go anywhere without our cameras. Every meal out with mates, every dinner party, every New Year, every house move... and there have been far too many of those, every tipsy night out, every birthday, every everything!!
I love those photos, I love seeing our friends being them. I am sure without those pictures I would have forgotten Kelly's smiling face when she came round to show off her engagement ring, her top was the same colour bright green as her eyes and she looked beautiful and brimming with love and excitement. Going back further is the picture of her trying on my engagement ring, "just to see if it suits me" she was excited then, but not quite so. There are friends weddings, and then some second wedding's!! There are our camper van days, when we felt free as birds, finding spots in Cornwall that we were sure no one else had never found (bet we have all had those feelings) Photos of girlfriends on nights out drinking water and the rest of us on wine, oh yes they must have been in the first few weeks of pregnancy and hadn't told us yet, then a few months on the silly pics of us touching the bump and laughing.
There's darling Nads, we have been though so many happy times and unexpected times, and its all there, my hair gets longer as the photos go on, and her hair gets shorter as the years go on. There's our beloved Thailand were I just cant stop snapping, the white sands the clear water, the best one was our honeymoon when so many of our wonderful mates flew out and we all met up, its all there, the lazy sun filled days and the cheesy disco nights out. I love the Thai people, and I have so many shots of some Island Thais with the most amazing bone structure, proud, beautiful faces and sharp deep brown eyes.
Then there's Embobbo, she appears everywhere in our pics, her smile the widest I have ever seen, whatever we are up to shes enjoying herself, then the more gentle smile as shes holding my new born baby, my first friend from 'up-country' to visit.
Our trip to India I shot a lot of cows, they just seemed to be everywhere and they have the most amazing eyelashes, most models would kill for them!
Easter Island, haunting photos of stone men, not a person in sight most of the time, the wild island horses, they were very wild, but still came close,bit scary sometimes as they totally out numbered us and we couldn't work out if they minded us being there, but still we got some beautiful work.
I couldn't survive with out my photo memories, I love them all, I know too many moments would have been forgotten without them, and I am glad I am always the one lugging the camera about, missing out on the toast of the evening as i am photographing it, I am never,ever in group shots, because I take the group shot, but I am always the one who says "do you remember when we ????" because I spend hours of my time going back over my pictures.
So I thank my trustworthy camera that goes everywhere with us and I thank our friends for providing the photo opportunities, you are our memories, you make us who we are because you are our experiences.
16 January 2009
Its raining in St.Ives. My photography project that's been brewing for ...well too long, was supposed to get off the ground this week, and the rain has meant it hasn't, but lots of things that really needed doing has. We have been handling lots of bridal inquiries, meeting nice people, and for some reason its gone print order mad on the portrait side.
Shot a bump in November, that bump has just become a baby, welcome little one and enjoy the world.
Its raining in St.Ives. My photography project that's been brewing for ...well too long, was supposed to get off the ground this week, and the rain has meant it hasn't, but lots of things that really needed doing has. We have been handling lots of bridal inquiries, meeting nice people, and for some reason its gone print order mad on the portrait side.
Shot a bump in November, that bump has just become a baby, welcome little one and enjoy the world.
11th January 2008
We have been in contact with Amanda who is the lady behind Cakes By Design, and asked her if we can photograph some of her wedding cakes in our studio. Its a good time of year for us to be doing this sort of thing as its not so busy on the wedding front. She has said yes and we look forward to getting stuck in, to photographing them that is NOT eating them, although she does make the most delicious chocolate cakes, and the lemon sponge is quite something too. Honestly, we don't take a bite at weddings!!!!!! we just use Amanda when we have a special occasion that deserves a cake.
Put together a funky still life product catalogue today for a commercial client, it looks really vibrant and fun, which is what the brief called for, so we have ended the day on a pleasing note, which is good as it has rained on and off today and we really wanted to hit the beach to shoot some beach scenes for a new product range we will be putting on line soon....we will honest....time allowing. So although the wellies were in the porch and we were wrapped up and ready to go, the heavens opened and our plans were dashed, so we did the catalogue instead which was supposed to be tomorrow's job so we are a day ahead of ourselves. Come on sun shine, I want to go to the beach tomorrow..........
Sent off some "BUMP TO BABY" work last week, the parents asked for a second set to be sent to her mother as well, they called today to say they have received them and are delighted, I put the phone down, it rang again, this time the Grandmother, she was nearly in tears as she wasn't told anything about it, so it was a complete surprise. It was amazing both mother and daughter called in the space of a a few minutes, but what was even more amazing was just how thrilled they were with there photos. It was the final one so the baby is now one year old and the series runs from tiny swell of a bump to full on bump to new born to smiling baby, all in one frame. The parent are giving it as a gift to the baby to celebrate the first birthday and it will hang on the nursery wall.
Well I can hear my own baby waking up, so my work is over for the day but Ricks still beavering away, touching up, loading shots onto his computer and generally being very technical, looks like hes going to be working into the night............once again..........
We have been in contact with Amanda who is the lady behind Cakes By Design, and asked her if we can photograph some of her wedding cakes in our studio. Its a good time of year for us to be doing this sort of thing as its not so busy on the wedding front. She has said yes and we look forward to getting stuck in, to photographing them that is NOT eating them, although she does make the most delicious chocolate cakes, and the lemon sponge is quite something too. Honestly, we don't take a bite at weddings!!!!!! we just use Amanda when we have a special occasion that deserves a cake.
Put together a funky still life product catalogue today for a commercial client, it looks really vibrant and fun, which is what the brief called for, so we have ended the day on a pleasing note, which is good as it has rained on and off today and we really wanted to hit the beach to shoot some beach scenes for a new product range we will be putting on line soon....we will honest....time allowing. So although the wellies were in the porch and we were wrapped up and ready to go, the heavens opened and our plans were dashed, so we did the catalogue instead which was supposed to be tomorrow's job so we are a day ahead of ourselves. Come on sun shine, I want to go to the beach tomorrow..........
Sent off some "BUMP TO BABY" work last week, the parents asked for a second set to be sent to her mother as well, they called today to say they have received them and are delighted, I put the phone down, it rang again, this time the Grandmother, she was nearly in tears as she wasn't told anything about it, so it was a complete surprise. It was amazing both mother and daughter called in the space of a a few minutes, but what was even more amazing was just how thrilled they were with there photos. It was the final one so the baby is now one year old and the series runs from tiny swell of a bump to full on bump to new born to smiling baby, all in one frame. The parent are giving it as a gift to the baby to celebrate the first birthday and it will hang on the nursery wall.
Well I can hear my own baby waking up, so my work is over for the day but Ricks still beavering away, touching up, loading shots onto his computer and generally being very technical, looks like hes going to be working into the night............once again..........
9th January 2009
Had a studio day today, the most beautiful little girl in the most pretty white dress, to be photographed for keepsakes for the parents and to send of to Granny who lives in the US.
She was so sweet and funny and had so much character that we got some beautiful work.
The parents wanted a real mixed bag of shots as they were going to order a digital photobook as well, so we needed to shoot a lot. We ended up taking her out of the studio and got some gorgeous pictures of her by the window and on the sofa. I got in some flowers and made her a little posy and she played up to the camera wonderfully, smelling the flowers and tossing them into the air and laughing. It was a really fun morning.
Spent the afternoon putting a wedding album together from a wedding we shot over Christmas. The prints just came back from the lab and they are stunning, we are so happy with them.
Had a studio day today, the most beautiful little girl in the most pretty white dress, to be photographed for keepsakes for the parents and to send of to Granny who lives in the US.
She was so sweet and funny and had so much character that we got some beautiful work.
The parents wanted a real mixed bag of shots as they were going to order a digital photobook as well, so we needed to shoot a lot. We ended up taking her out of the studio and got some gorgeous pictures of her by the window and on the sofa. I got in some flowers and made her a little posy and she played up to the camera wonderfully, smelling the flowers and tossing them into the air and laughing. It was a really fun morning.
Spent the afternoon putting a wedding album together from a wedding we shot over Christmas. The prints just came back from the lab and they are stunning, we are so happy with them.
6th January 2009
Went for a walk in St.Ives today and it was truly stunning, the sun was shinning fiercely down onto the sand and the turquoise water just sparkled. But it was FREEZING. I said to Ricky what amazing pictures you would get from a Cornish bride and groom on the beach today, you would think it was the height of summer when looking back at the photos. He shivered just at the thought. The light is so special at this time of year in St.Ives. Its amazing all year round, but there's something about November, December and January.... so brides to be, are you brave enough?
Went for a walk in St.Ives today and it was truly stunning, the sun was shinning fiercely down onto the sand and the turquoise water just sparkled. But it was FREEZING. I said to Ricky what amazing pictures you would get from a Cornish bride and groom on the beach today, you would think it was the height of summer when looking back at the photos. He shivered just at the thought. The light is so special at this time of year in St.Ives. Its amazing all year round, but there's something about November, December and January.... so brides to be, are you brave enough?
5th January 2009
An office based day today sorting out this years advertising etc and its all so exciting. I am just getting so many ideas and as I am putting together our ads, more plans and designs are coming together. I just cant wait to get that next wedding album together as we have some really fantastic layout ideas that are going to make each album look even more special. I love the fact that wedding albums are a lifelong book, you keep it forever, look at it often and then show your children and grandchildren. The first time I remember seeing my own mothers wedding pictures I fell in love with her 1950's dress, I asked to see it and nearly cried when she told me she chopped it up to make a fancy dress costume for me! Imagine if there were no photographs of it I never would have seen it.
We have also been working on some fantastic gifts to sell on-line, and I have been, in usual KISS style, been giving them away!! no really, we seem to know so many little-ones that have either just been born or have special birthdays coming up and we are giving them as gifts from us to our nearest and dearest. But as always its all very time consuming on the computer and graphically complicated that I know soon we need to get them on the website and actually sell some!
Had a lovely chat with a florist friend last night and we are going to shoot some beautiful still lives of her work for her portfolio, which I am sure we will be able to use to.
An office based day today sorting out this years advertising etc and its all so exciting. I am just getting so many ideas and as I am putting together our ads, more plans and designs are coming together. I just cant wait to get that next wedding album together as we have some really fantastic layout ideas that are going to make each album look even more special. I love the fact that wedding albums are a lifelong book, you keep it forever, look at it often and then show your children and grandchildren. The first time I remember seeing my own mothers wedding pictures I fell in love with her 1950's dress, I asked to see it and nearly cried when she told me she chopped it up to make a fancy dress costume for me! Imagine if there were no photographs of it I never would have seen it.
We have also been working on some fantastic gifts to sell on-line, and I have been, in usual KISS style, been giving them away!! no really, we seem to know so many little-ones that have either just been born or have special birthdays coming up and we are giving them as gifts from us to our nearest and dearest. But as always its all very time consuming on the computer and graphically complicated that I know soon we need to get them on the website and actually sell some!
Had a lovely chat with a florist friend last night and we are going to shoot some beautiful still lives of her work for her portfolio, which I am sure we will be able to use to.
2nd January 2009
Fantastic our first enquiry for 2009 happened today, I didnt expect the wedding fever to start so soon, but I guess someone had to be the first.
Sounds like the wedding will be fun, full evening dress for a late wedding, DJ's for the men and cocktail dress for the ladies, will post some pictures up once we have shot it as it sounds like its going to have a bit of a twist as watch this space, or should I say, watch the blog!
So this has spurred me onto getting my little one up in the studio today for the annual grandparent shot, New year resolution done and only on Jan 2nd..not a bad start eh?
Fantastic our first enquiry for 2009 happened today, I didnt expect the wedding fever to start so soon, but I guess someone had to be the first.
Sounds like the wedding will be fun, full evening dress for a late wedding, DJ's for the men and cocktail dress for the ladies, will post some pictures up once we have shot it as it sounds like its going to have a bit of a twist as watch this space, or should I say, watch the blog!
So this has spurred me onto getting my little one up in the studio today for the annual grandparent shot, New year resolution done and only on Jan 2nd..not a bad start eh?
1st January 2009
A new year and here at KISS photography we are very excited to what lies ahead.
We know that soon the phones will be ringing for wedding bookings and I personally get very excited, as weddings are such a special time and I love the fact we are involved with such happy days.
We are also looking forward to meeting lots more families, as we had such fun in December shooting all the children for the Christmas gifts for the Grand parents.
We had the usual mother-in-law New Year call today and got in trouble because she didn’t get her Christmas photo of our little one this year and my mother mentioned it too, but to be honest I usually shoot her in December, when I’m in the festive mood, but last year we just ran out of time. So my New Year resolution is…to take a special portrait of our child before we get too busy in the studio.
My last business call I took just before Christmas was a lovely lady enquiring about Christmas cards of her children for NEXT year, now that is organized! We had a lovely chat and agreed that maybe we will wait until September/October time as the kids will grow up so much during the year and the cards need to be in date.
A new year and here at KISS photography we are very excited to what lies ahead.
We know that soon the phones will be ringing for wedding bookings and I personally get very excited, as weddings are such a special time and I love the fact we are involved with such happy days.
We are also looking forward to meeting lots more families, as we had such fun in December shooting all the children for the Christmas gifts for the Grand parents.
We had the usual mother-in-law New Year call today and got in trouble because she didn’t get her Christmas photo of our little one this year and my mother mentioned it too, but to be honest I usually shoot her in December, when I’m in the festive mood, but last year we just ran out of time. So my New Year resolution is…to take a special portrait of our child before we get too busy in the studio.
My last business call I took just before Christmas was a lovely lady enquiring about Christmas cards of her children for NEXT year, now that is organized! We had a lovely chat and agreed that maybe we will wait until September/October time as the kids will grow up so much during the year and the cards need to be in date.
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